This page contains a listing of the most used REST API’s that will allow you to integrate with the App with your own scripts and plugins.
Classification Levels are set by their Index in the REST API, by default:
Highly Restricted = 0
Restricted = 1
Internal = 2
Public = 3
Classify a Page
Set the classification of a Confluence Page.
Method | POST | |
URL | /rest/server-classification/1.0/classify?pid={pageId}&lid={levelIndex} | |
Query Parameters |
| Page ID |
| Level ID | |
Responses | 200 | Successful |
400 | Bad Request | |
403 | Authentication or Permission Error | |
404 | Page or Level Not Found |
Get Classification Levels
Get a list of all available Classification Levels in the Confluence site.
Method | GET |
URL | /rest/server-classification/1.0/level |
Response |
Get Classification Level for a Page
Get the classification of a Confluence Page.
Method | GET | |
URL | /rest/api/content/{pageId}/property/classification | |
Response | 200 |
404 | Page is not classified |
Search for Pages with a Level
Find Confluence Pages classified under a particular level using CQL.
Method | GET | |
URL | /rest/api/content/search?[classification].name.index={levelId} | |
Query Parameters |
| Level ID |
Response |
Get Global Settings
Get the main Compliance for Confluence settings.
Method | GET |
URL | /rest/server-classification/1.0/global |
Response |
Get Space Settings
Get the settings for a particular Confluence Space.
Method | GET |
URL | /rest/api/space/{spaceKey}/property/dataclassification |
Response |
Get Statistics for a Space
Get the classification statistics for a Space.
Method | GET | |
URL | /rest/server-classification/1.0/statistics?spaceKey={spaceKey} | |
Query Parameters |
| Space Key |
Response |
Get Automation Rules
Get a list of all available Automation rules for sensitive data on the Confluence site.
Method | GET | |
URL | /rest/server-classification/1.0/automation | |
Response | 200 |
403 | User is not an admin |
Search for Pages with Extractions
Get a list of all available Automation rules for sensitive data on the Confluence site.
Method | POST | |
URL | /rest/server-classification/1.0/search/admin | |
Request |
| |
Response | 200 |
401 | User is not an admin |
Update Scan Scope
Update your scan scope to a list of provided spaces, so sensitive data scans only analyse pages in those spaces. The spaces
list in the request should be a JSON list of space keys. This is useful if you have a large number of spaces you would like to scan, but don't want to scan your entire instance. Otherwise, you can select "All pages" on the "Scan Scope" page.
Method | POST | |
URL | /rest/server-classification/1.0/scope | |
Request |
| |
Response | 200 | Successful |
400 | Bad Request | |
401 | User is not an admin | |
403 | Authentication or permission error | |
404 | Endpoint not found |
Browsing the Full REST API
You can browse the full REST API by using the Atlassian REST API Browser on a development instance of Confluence (using the Atlas-SDK).
If you have specific queries that you’d like help with, please raise a ticket with the support team.