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Compliance for Confluence 5.7.3

Release Date

1st December 2023

Version Compatibility

Confluence Server/DC 7.3.2 - 8.6.1

Type of Update


We’re delighted to announce that Compliance for Confluence 5.7.3 has just been released 🎉

Improvements 🪄

  • Added additional logging around sensitive data scan tasks

  • Minor text changes

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Fixed bug preventing some tasks from being cancelled from the Task Manager

  • Fixed scheduled job timing out on instances with larger numbers of nodes

Updating to the latest version: Open the Apps menu at the top of Confluence and click Manage Apps in the dropdown menu. Find Compliance for Confluence in the list of apps displayed on this screen and then follow the prompts to update to the latest version.

Customer Support 🧡

If you have any questions or need assistance with Compliance for Confluence, please contact our Customer Support team

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