Publish Content
The Publish Content action allows you to publish Confluence content to different pages or spaces in your instance. This will create a copy of the content in the specified spaces and/or as a child of existing pages.
Currently this action only supports pages - we do not support the publishing of additional content types (folders, blogs, databases, whiteboards, etc.).
If publishing other content types is a requirement for you, please let us know via our Customer Support portal.
Name of Field | Type of Field | Description |
Places to Publish to (Pages) | Page multi select | Search for and select pages for content to be published to. |
Places to Publish to (Spaces) | Space multi select | Search for and select spaces for content to be published under. |
Title | String | This field allows you to change the title of the original page when it is published. If Clone Page Ancestry is enabled, the titles of ancestor pages will not be updated. This field supports variable substitution - for more information please see the documentation. |
Clone Page Ancestry | Boolean | Additionally publish the original page’s ancestors, maintaining the page hierarchy. This will copy all pages between the original page and its current space's homepage into the new publish locations. |
Copy Additional Attachments | Boolean | Copy attachments present on the original page but not the published page(s) when publishing. |
Copy Additional Permissions | Boolean | Copy permissions present on the original page but not the published page(s) when publishing. |
Copy Additional Labels | Boolean | Copy labels present on the original page but not the published page(s) when publishing. |
Copy Content Properties | Boolean | Copy existing content properties from the original page when publishing, excluding the Workflows for Confluence generated content properties. |
Publish as Transitioner | Boolean | Publish the page as the user who transitioned the workflow instead of the Workflows for Confluence app. |
Copy Workflow Metadata from Original Page | Boolean | Copy metadata regarding the workflow from the original page and display the data within Workflows for Confluence macros on the published page. The behaviour of macros on the published page is as follows:
When a space is selected as a Place to Publish to, the action will clone the original page into the destination space immediately under that space's homepage. If Clone Page Ancestry is enabled, each parent page will also be cloned into the new space. The page order will be maintained and the upper-most page will be immediately under the new space's homepage.
When a page is selected as a Place to Publish to, the action will clone the original page immediately under the specified page as a child. With clone ancestry enabled, each parent page will also be cloned under the destination page. The page order will be maintained and the upper most page will be immediately below the targeted page.
When you publish a page, a link will be created between the original and published pages. This means that when your original page is again transitioned through the Publish Content action, the existing published page(s) will be updated to reflect the new content.
With Clone Page Ancestry enabled, any changes to the hierarchy in the original page tree will be reflected in the published page hierarchy when the Publish Content action is next triggered. This includes any changes to the published page hierarchy which takes the published page hierarchy out of alignment with the original page hierarchy.
With Clone Page Ancestry disabled, any published pages which have been moved away from their Place to Publish to will be returned to their correct location as a child of the Place to Publish To when the Publish Content action is next triggered.
If a page with the same title already exists in a space, and you have not set the Title field, a number in brackets will be appended to the title name to make it unique (e.g. "Published Page" => "Published Page (2)").
We do not support multiple Places to Publish to which all publish to the same space due to limitations of Confluence.
If you have multiple Places to Publish to which all publish to the same space within the same Publish Content action: multiple published pages will be created on the first publish, but they will be unable to be updated on subsequent Publish Content actions.
If you have multiple Places to Publish to which all publish to the same space split across different Publish Content actions, a single published page will be created which will be moved to the Place to Publish to for the latest Publish Content action.
We do not support the publishing of non-page content types (folders, blogs, databases, whiteboards, etc.).
Need support? We’re here to help 🧡
If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about Workflows, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.