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Creating a Workflow

To get started creating your custom Workflow, navigate your Workflow navigate to either your Space Settings (if you’re a Space Admin) or to the Global Settings.

  • Admins: Navigate to Global Settings > Workflows (Workflows for Confluence)

  • Space Admins: Navigate to your Space, then follow Space Settings > Content Tools > Workflows > Workflows (tab)

Below you will find a short video that guides you through how to setup a basic approval workflow.

Once you have accessed Workflows you will see the Workflows Table displayed in front of you. Now let’s create a Simple Approval Workflow!

  1. Click the Create button to open the Create Dialog

2. Enter the name and description you want to give your workflow. Once complete, click Create.

3. The dialog will close and the Workflow editor will open.

4. Start by dragging a Create node onto the canvas (you can also single click on the node to have it render on the Canvas)

5. You can now start dragging and dropping your Statuses on to the canvas

6. Rename these Statuses by clicking on them and editing the Name field

7. Once renamed, you can begin configuring the Status settings. For more information on these configuration options, check out our Status section on the Workflow Logic page.

8. When your Statuses have been configured, you can now move on to setting up the Review and Approval. For more information on the configuration options available here, check out the Approvals section on the Workflow Logic page.

9. Link your Statuses together by clicking the port on the bottom of the Status and attaching it to the port at the top of the next Status.

  • Note: you can delete connectors by pressing Backspace or Delete on your keyboard

Top Tip: If you begin drawing your link but want to cancel the drawing: press any alphanumeric key on your keyboard

Top Tip: If you want to delete a transition, select it and use Fn + Delete (for Mac) or Del (for Windows)

10. Your workflow is now complete and ready to go! Click Save Workflow to begin using it on your pages!

Workflow Connector Keyboard Shortcuts

There are a number of keyboard shortcuts available when using the workflow connectors and these include:

  • Deleting a connector - press Backspace or Delete

  • Selecting the different pointers in a connector - press Q or W

  • Copy connectors - press CTRL / CMD + C

  • Paste connectors - press CTRL / CMD + V

  • Select all - press CTRL / CMD + A

Additional Features of the Editor


To zoom in and out of the editor you can either use the buttons or scroll Up/Down with your mouse


You can change the mode of the canvas by either clicking on the buttons or you can use the key bindings Select (Q) or Drag (W)


If you have a Status which you have configured and want to replicate this status multiple times you can press the button  which is at the bottom of the Status's configuration tab, this will make a direct copy of the Status.

If you want to delete a Status you can either select it and press the (Del) key or in the Statuses configuration click the button 

Need support? We’re here to help 🧡

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about Workflows, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.

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