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Fire an Authenticated Webhook

Building on the Webhook action, most servers require some form of Authentication with the requests they listen for. This is where Authenticated Webhooks and Credentials come into play.


  1. You must have created a Credential -  to learn what a Credential is and how to add one, click here.

  2. You need at least the View permission of that Credential - to learn about Credential Permission click here.


There are three fields that you need to input information into, the Credential you're using for the request, the URL of the endpoint you want to reach, and the JSON of the payload that you are going to send.

The JSON Payload field allows variable substitution! To learn more read the guide here: Variable Substitution

Name of Field

Type of Field



Credential Select

Select the Credential you will use for the Webhook

Webhook URL


Insert the URL of the Webhook endpoint

JSON Payload


Define the JSON body that will be sent along with the POST request

Credential Select

When you are searching for a Credential to use in your workflow, if you're in a Space you will have access to both your spaces credentials and any global credentials you have the permission to view. These are differentiated by the colour of the Credential:

Space Credentials:  Red

Global Credentials: Gold

If you are searching for a Credential and it doesn't appear in the search, please verify that you have the correct permissions for that credential. You must have at least VIEW permission!

Webhook URL

When you have selected your Credential you will then specify the URL of the Webhook you will be firing. If the URL you specify doesn't match up with the Domain on the Credential then you will get an error!

Need support? We’re here to help 🧡

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about Workflows, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.

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