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Configuring an approval

Approval workflows let you request and track approvals on a Miro board. You can learn about applying workflows here.

When you choose to apply an approval workflow you will be able to configure the approval stage(s) in the confirmation modal.

For each approval stage you have two items to configure:

  • The list of approvers - These users will be notified via email when the workflow enters this step. At that point, when they view the workflow, they will have the option to approve or reject it and include a comment. Learn more about how approvals work.

  • Amount of approvals required - Either ‘All’ or a specific number. When an approval stage receives this number of approvals the workflow will transition to the next step. If the approval stage receives rejections such that it could no longer reach the desired amount of approvals the workflow will transition to a previous status denoted by the red line. If ‘All’ is selected, any rejections will reject the stage.

If some desired users are missing from the list of options to be approvers, ensure the board is directly shared with them. While sharing the board with a group allows members of that group to use the app, they can only be an approver if they have explicit access to the board.

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Note that you cannot currently change the approval configuration once a workflow is applied. To do so you must remove the workflow and apply a new one.

Need support? We’re here to help 🧡

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about Workflows for Miro, please contact our Customer Support team.

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