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This page will guide you through how to install Matrix for Trello to one of your Boards so you can start plotting your Trello Cards on the matrix in no time!

Important: you will need to add our Power-Up to allowed 3rd-party cookies for it to operate correctly. This can be easily done within your web browser.

Check your Trello license

The Matrix for Trello Power-Up can be installed on your Board provided that your license permits it - please see below to determine how many Power-Ups you are allowed to add to your Board:

  • Boards belonging to FREE USERS can turn on one Power-Up at a time.

  • Boards belonging to TRELLO GOLD members may have three Power-Ups turned on at a time.

  • Boards belonging to BUSINESS CLASS members can have unlimited Power-Ups.

Go here to check out all available Power-Ups on the Trello website (includes other vendor's Power-Ups).

Install the Power-up

To add Matrix for Trello to your Board, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the Trello Board that you’d like to enable a Power-up on.

  2. If the right-hand-side sidebar is not already open, click on ‘Open menu…’ in the top-right.

  3. Click on the ‘Power-Ups’ item in the board menu - this will open the Power-Ups directory.

  4. You can enable a Power-Up by clicking on 'Enable' to activate the Power-Ups you would like to use.

  5. Once you have installed the Power-Up, it’s functionality will be available on the Board.

Click on the 'Power-ups' menu item to add a new Power-up
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