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Projects Health Checks

Optimizer will perform a number of health checks on the Projects in your Jira site to help you identify:

  • Small or empty projects

  • Inactive projects

  • Projects with inactive leads

Available Health Checks for Projects

Small or empty projects

The small or empty project's health check finds projects with very few or no issues. This includes projects with up to 10 issues.

Inactive projects

The inactive project's health check scans for projects where no issue has been updated in 90 days or more.

Projects with inactive leads

The ‘Projects with inactive leads’ Health Check finds projects where the project lead is no longer active on Jira.

Viewing and actioning results

The ‘Results’ link for each of the Health Checks in the Projects category takes you to a smart table showing the list of projects in your instance that were identified by the check.

From the smart tables, you can take actions such as bulk archiving inactive projects and updating Project Leads.

Need support? We’re here to help 🧡

If you have any questions about Optimizer or would like to speak with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.

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