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Health Checks

Optimizer will assess the health of your Jira instance using a series of checks to find common problems or areas of concern. These health checks are grouped into several categories, and the results will be used to give you an overall health scoring of your Jira instance, which can be tracked over time.

In this section, we’ll guide you through the different Health Checks that are available in Optimizer and show you how to use them:

Accessing the Health Checks

Once you’re in Optimizer, Health Checks (A) is available in the left-hand navigation menu.

After clicking through to the Health Checks, you will see the Health Checks Overview screen.

Health Checks Overview

The Health Checks Overview displays your Jira instance's health score (based on your most recent scan) and a breakdown of the results in each category (including the number of checks that have not been run).

After each health check has been completed, you will see either of the following statuses:

  • Pass: No problems were found with this check

  • Warning: This represents an area to investigate because there is likely room for improvement

  • Fail: A problem that could negatively impact your instance and end users (e.g. by creating a significant maintenance burden) and should be addressed.

As you can see in the image below, two health checks passed (B), nine warnings (C), and one failure (D). If health checks are not conducted, they will be identified with the grey indicator (E).

Running health checks

You can run Optimizer for Jira’s Health Checks in one go. Each check will take a different time to complete, depending on the amount of data of each type you have in your instance; progress bars show how far along the various categories are.

Finally, individual Health Checks can also be run by clicking the Refresh button (F) on each check.

While Health Checks are running, you can navigate to any other part of the app and the checks will continue running in the background. However, if you close Optimizer, refresh the page, or navigate away to an outside part of Jira then the progress will be lost.

Most recent completion date/time

Each Health Check has a date and time showing when the most recent run of the check was completed (G).

The number of results shown for a check is accurate when it is complete; if changes are made to the data in your Jira instance, then this number may become outdated. However, data in the results tables will always be up-to-date, so if there appears to be a mismatch between the results data and the number of reported results, we recommend rerunning the checks.

Customising health checks

All of Optimizer’s health checks can be customized. For example, in health checks that detect duplicate items, you can specify whether you want to search for exact duplicates or do a more flexible search to include items that nearly match but could be slightly different. To see the details of which options are available for each health check, click one of the links in the navigation menu.

You can access the customization options for a health check by clicking on the relevant cog/settings icon, as shown in the image below.

Easily configure your health checks by clicking the ‘Settings’ icon

The preferences for each health check are kept in sync for all users on your instance; if you change one of the settings, the exact change will be applied for your teammates. This is so that, as an organization, you can agree on a consistent definition of what constitutes a “problem” in your configuration.

Disabling health checks

If one of Optimizer’s health checks is not relevant to your organization, then you can disable it. This prevents the health check from being run or contributing to the overall health score for your instances.

You can disable or re-enable a health check by selecting the ‘Enable health check’ checkbox (H).


Health check severity

To customize how each health check affects the health score for your instance, you can change the health check severity. The options are:

  • Failure - this indicates any area that requires improvement if the health check finds results

  • Warning - for an area to improve if there are results

You can change the severity of a health check by selecting the desired options from the severity dropdown field (I).


You cannot change the severity of disabled health checks. To set the severity, you first need to re-enable the health check.

Health Check Categories

Optimizer performs many health checks, and each category can contain one or more checks.

Want to see more checks? Let us know which health checks you want to see and we will add it to Optimizer (if its technically possible).

You can click on any health check categories for a more detailed view or run individual health checks and then see their results. For example, clicking the ‘Custom fields’ category leads to the page below.

Need support? We’re here to help 🧡

If you have any questions about Optimizer or would like to speak with us, please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support team.

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