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Preparing for Migrations

Whether it’s from one Cloud site to another or from Data Center/Server to Cloud, Jira migrations can be a long and challenging process. In this guide, we’ll explain some of the ways in which Optimizer for Jira can help ensure that your migration goes as smoothly as possible.

First, let’s take a look at the state of your Jira instance.

View your Jira instance

Optimizer’s home page provides an overview of all the data in your Jira instance, which lets you see at a glance how much data has been migrated.

This helps give you confidence that everything your end-users need will be available after migration, so that they can seamlessly transition to the migrated site and pickup working where they left off.

Preparing for a Cloud-to-Cloud migration

A great time to clean up your Jira site is just before a migration, in order to make sure that all the data you and your team members need is migrated across and the “clutter” is removed. Optimizer’s inline editing and bulk actions features make it easy to carry out the configuration changes necessary to do this.

Post-migration configuration changes

In an ideal world, a Jira site would be cleaned up before a migration and everything would transfer across perfectly – no configuration changes would be necessary after the migration.

However, especially for large instances with lots of users and data, it is almost inevitable that there will be some post-migration configuration changes to make. Check out the inline editing and bulk actions user guides to learn how Optimizer can help speed up this process.

Need support? We’re here to help 🧡

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.

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