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Issue Type Screen Schemes Health Checks

You can easily view inactive Issue Type Screen Schemes using the Health Checks in Optimizer for Jira.

Available Health Checks for Issue Type Screen Schemes

Inactive issue type screen schemes

The ‘Inactive issue type screen schemes’ health check detects issue type screen schemes not used in any projects. Note that the default issue type screen scheme is excluded from results by default, since it cannot be deleted. You can adjust this behaviour by unticking the option in the health check’s settings (see below).

Viewing and actioning results

Clicking the ‘Results' link will take you to a smart table showing the full list of inactive issue type screen schemes identified by the check.

From the smart table, you can perform actions such as deleting issue type screen schemes that are no longer needed.

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If you have any questions about Optimizer or would like to speak with us, please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support team.

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