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Using Bulk Actions

One of the core features of Optimizer for Jira is its ability to perform actions on multiple configuration objects.  Each configuration object in Jira has a specific set of features and therefore, the exact actions that Optimizer can perform depend on the type of object and its properties. Below are a number of areas in Jira that you can use bulk actions:

User Management

To keep your Jira system running well, it is important to keep an eye on user activity. Optimizer can help you identify which users have been inactive for a while so you can take action. If the number of users in your Jira exceeds the applications license then your users will not be able to create issues so it’s important to keep on top of user management. There is also the financial and security aspect to this as well.

It’s recommended to deactivate users rather than delete them. If you delete a user it will remove them from the active directory but there may be historical data in the application relating to that user which you want to keep. Deactivating users removes access to Jira and also removes them from the license count so it covers everything you need.

Find out how to identify your inactive Jira users and deactivate their access. This can also be done in bulk if required.


A Jira Project is a collection of Issues. Depending on which Jira applications have been installed, you may have more than one Project Type available. Optimizer for Jira allows Administrators to perform actions such as

  • Archiving or restoring selected Projects

  • Adding multiple users to a to a specific Project Role in multiple Projects

  • Changing the Category, Permissions Scheme, or Project lead of multiple Projects

Find out more about how to use bulk actions with Projects.

Custom Fields

Jira provides the ability to customize the fields in Issues to meet the needs of your teams. Locking some custom fields can be used to prevent accidental changes which can subsequently break the operation of some Jira applications or plugins. Such fields will be locked automatically but sometimes they need to be manually unlocked to be altered.

Find out how to use Optimizer for Jira to lock or unlock Custom Fields in bulk.

The following table shows all Bulk Actions currently supported by Optimizer for Jira.

Configuration Element



Disable Users


  • Add Users to Project Role

  • Archive Projects

  • Change Project Category

  • Change Permissions Scheme

  • Change Project Lead

  • Delete Projects

Project Categories

Delete Project Categories

Archived Projects

Restore Projects

Issue Types / Issue Type Schemes


Workflows / Workflow Schemes


Screens / Screen Schemes / Issue Type Screen Schemes


Custom Fields

  • Delete Custom Fields

  • Lock Custom Fields

  • Unlock Custom Fields


Delete Statuses


Delete Resolutions

Notification Schemes / Permission Schemes / Issue Security Schemes

Delete Schemes

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