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Choose a Power-Up licensing model

There are different Power-Up licensing models available in Optro and you can choose the one that best fits your Power-Up.

Important: Once a Power-Up has been made public on the Optro marketplace you cannot change the licensing model.

Available Licensing Models


User licensing allows customers (Trello users) to license your Power-Up to specific users. Any licensed users will have access to the paid features of your Power-Up on any Trello Board and Workspace that has it installed.

This licensing model is dynamic and the usage of your Power-Up can be increased and decreased depending on the customers needs.


Board licensing allows customers to license your Power-Up for as many Trello Boards as they need. Any users accessing the Trello Board will be able to access and use your Power-Up as long as the license is active.

This licensing model is dynamic and the usage of your Power-Up can be increased and decreased depending on the customers needs.

Workspace (Organization) FLAT-RATE

Workspace licensing gives customers access to your Power-Up across an entire Trello Workspace (formerly Organizations). Once the subscription is active, the Power-Up will be available to every Board and User in the Workspace.

This is a flat-rate licensing model meaning it is the same price for a Workspace with 1 User and 1 Board, or a Workspace with 1,000 Users and 1,000 Boards.

Note: if you are choosing the Workspace licensing model in Optro, there is a higher minimum monthly/annual price required for the Power-Up. This minimum price is $5.00 USD.

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