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Optimizer for Jira - June 2024

Release Date


Type of Update


We’re delighted to announce the June 2024 update to Optimizer for Jira Cloud has just been released.

New features 💎

  • Health check customisation

    • Optimizer’s health checks can now be customised, giving you more flexibility in locating potential problems with your Jira instance.

    • There are a wide range of settings for health checks. For example:

      • The number of issues for a project to be considered small

      • Whether to ignore case when checking for duplicate custom field names

      • Whether to include the default screen scheme in inactive screen scheme results

You can find more information about health check customisation here.

Improvements 🛠️

  • A column has been added to the Priorities smart table with information about priority schemes.

Updating to the latest version: if you are currently on version 3.25.0 of Optimizer then you can update to the latest version through the Universal Plugin Manager. Otherwise, this update has been automatically applied to Optimizer for Jira, so no action is required from you.

Additional Information:

Future updates 🔮

  • Check out our product roadmap to see which features and improvements are coming to Optimizer soon

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