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Workflows for Confluence - October 2023

Release Date


Type of Update


We’re delighted to announce the October 2023 update to Workflows for Confluence has just been released.

New features 💎

  • You can now automatically add the workflows user to pages which have a workflow applied to ensure that workflows work as expected - see the documentation here

  • The Expiry Date option in the Workflows Metadata Macro will now be included in PDF exports of your Confluence pages

  • It is now possible to set approval quorum size per user group. This will allow users to capture approvals for individual user groups at the same approval stage

    • E.g. if you set your approval quorum size to be 2 users from the hr-users group and 3 users from the finance-users group, your workflow will only transition to approved if both quorum sizes are met

Improvements 🛠️

  • We have improved the informational text on the Auto-Assign and Bulk Change tabs of the Workflows for Confluence configuration page

Bug fixes 🐛

  • You can now edit credentials created in the global Workflows configuration as expected

  • When a workflow is removed from a page and another one added with the page being at the official version 0.1 or 1.0, the official version will now correctly remain the same

  • For the modify title action, when you leave replace empty in the both the normal and RegEx find and replace configuration, it will now correctly remove the text entered in find from the title

  • For the modify title action, the regular find and replace now works as expected with the value entered in find being treated as a string literal, and not as a regular expression

  • For the modify title action, you can now have multiple actions which use find and replace in the same workflow

Updating to the latest version: this update has been automatically applied to Workflows for Confluence, so no action is required from you.

Customer Support 🧡

If you have any questions or need assistance with Workflows for Confluence, please contact our Customer Support team

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