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Archive Classification Levels

It’s always good practice to keep your data classification levels up-to-date and accurate. There may be times when certain classification levels are no longer required, and you may wish to archive them.

To archive a classification level, access Classification Levels (A) in the Compliance for Confluence configuration settings.

Navigate to find the classification level you want to archive, click the three-dot ellipsis, and press Archive (B) from the drop-down menu.

Archived levels will no longer be shown on the levels page.

View archived classification levels

To view all archived levels, click the three-dot ellipsis at the top of the page and from the drop-down menu, click View archived levels (C).

A window will open and this will display all the archived classification levels in your Confluence site.

Important: if a classification level is currently being used by Confluence pages, you will be prompted to migrate those pages to another classification level.

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