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Compliance for Confluence Cloud

Reduce the risk of data loss or exposure in Confluence. Use built-in classification levels, enhanced page restrictions, and sensitive data detection to better protect your data in Confluence.


Getting Started

New to Compliance for Confluence? Let’s get you up and running in a few simple steps.

Use Cases

Discover the different ways people use Compliance for Confluence.

User Guide

Learn how to use all the features and capabilities in Compliance for Confluence.

Admin Guide

Learn how to set up and configure Compliance for Confluence from an administrator's perspective.

Comparison: Compliance Cloud vs Data Center

Compare the feature differences between the Cloud and Data Center versions of Compliance for Confluence.


Find answers to the most commonly asked questions about Compliance for Confluence.

Release Notes

Keep up to date with the newest features and improvements in Compliance for Confluence.


Take a sneak peek at the new features and updates that are coming soon to Compliance for Confluence.

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