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Compliance for Confluence - May 2024

Release Date


Type of Update


We’re delighted to announce the May 2024 update to Compliance for Confluence Cloud has just been released.

Improvements 🛠️

  • Pop-up confirmation messages will now automatically close after a set period of time

  • Improved the user interface in the Classification Levels settings

  • Improved the stability of the sensitive data scanning feature

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Improved logging for better bug identification and resolution

  • Fixed broken scroll behaviour on navigation bar

  • Fixed a bug where force classification would cause a stuck state when combined with some third party template apps

Updating to the latest version: this update has been automatically applied to Compliance for Confluence Cloud, so no action is required from you.

Additional Information:

Future updates 🔮

  • Check out our product roadmap to see which features and improvements are coming to Compliance for Confluence Cloud soon

Customer Support 🧡

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