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Configure the minimum required approvals or rejections

Many teams have procedures for getting tasks approved. These procedures ensure that specific individuals are involved in the approval process. However, sometimes, using these procedures for smaller tasks can be time-consuming, as each individual must be gathered to provide approval feedback.

To streamline the process, teams can use online tools to manage the quorum size of an approval. This can be achieved by setting the minimum approvals and rejections required for a task sent for review. For example, a proposal budget must be signed off before implementation. The proposal can be sent to all necessary people within the finance department for review while setting the minimum approval threshold. This helps to make the approval process more efficient and less time-consuming.

With Approvals for, you can easily manage minimum approvals and rejections, keeping workflows efficient and all stakeholders involved.

This guide will show you how to set and manage minimum approvals and rejections, ensuring a smoother approval workflow.

Approvals quorum size

To set the minimum number of approvals or rejections required for any item sent for approval on your Monday board, navigate to our app within an item and select the settings icon (A).

seq a.png

A dropdown list will appear, highlighting two separate sections to set the minimum number of approvals and rejections (B) required for an approval round to be considered approved or rejected.

seq b.png

To change the required approvals or rejections, click on the number field under each section (C). This will display a list of numbers from which you can select the approvals or rejections required for an item to be considered approved or rejected.

seq c.png

Once you have selected your number, it will appear in the settings, and you can change it anytime. In our screenshot example below, we have set the minimum approvals needed to two and rejections to one.

Important: The minimum approvals and rejections will apply globally

seq .png

In the following sections, we overview how your approval will display when an item has two minimum approval sets and now minimum rejection sets.

Minimum approvals required in action

The screenshot below highlights what an approval will display when the minimum approvals have been set to two and one approver has approved the item.

When you have set up your approval and started the process, the approval status will show as 'pending review' (D), as no approvers have decided.

seq d.png

Once one reviewer approves an item, the approval status shows as 'in review' (E). The approval will not show as approved until it has met the threshold of two.

seq e.png

Alternatively, suppose you have selected the minimum approvals threshold to be one. In that case, the approval status will show as approved (F), as only one reviewer is needed to approve the item before it is considered approved.

seq f.png

Minimum rejections required in action

The screenshot below highlights what an approval will display when the minimum rejections are set to one.

When you have set up your approval and started the process, the approval status will show as 'pending review' (G), as no approvers have approved the item.

seq g.png

Once one reviewer rejects an item, the approval status shows as 'rejected' (H).

seq h.png

Alternatively, if one approver has approved the approval and another has rejected it, the overall approval status will show as rejected (I). This indicates that action is needed on the item sent for review, which will apply to any item in this scenario.

seq I.png

However, suppose you prefer the overall status to be approved when an item has been approved and rejected. In that case, you can achieve this by choosing the 'all' (J) option within the minimum rejections required section in the settings.

seq J.png

Need support? We're here to help 🧡

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about Approvals for, please contact our Customer Support team.

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