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Troubleshooting Problems

At AppFox, we always strive to provide you with best-in-class products that operate as you expect whenever you need them.

However, in the rare circumstances that our customers encounter problems that cannot be resolved by our team and are outside of our control, we will capture these here with any known workarounds to help you.

Please use the table of contents below to navigate to any known issues with Optimizer for Jira Cloud:

Data failing to load upon installation

There have been a few reports of data failing to load when installing Optimizer for Jira for the first time. Unfortunately, this is caused by a problem outside of our control, but two workarounds have resolved the problems for other customers.

Workaround 1 - Reinstallation

If data fails to load throughout within Optimizer on the Instance Overview or one of the Smart Tables (as shown in the screenshots below), please try uninstalling and then reinstalling Optimizer.

Important: this will not affect your license status or free trial.

Data has failed to load on the Instance Overview

Data has failed to load on the Active Projects smart table

Workaround 2 - Review Access Groups

If the problem persists after reinstalling, it is possible that the root cause of the issue is that the default product access group for Jira is granting the Jira-software attribute instead of Jira-core in your Jira site. This could be due to a previous backup import (or similar) where not all administrative actions were completed. Some possible remedies for this are described in the following article

If neither of these approaches solves the problem, don't hesitate to contact our Support Team and provide the URL of the site on which you attempted to install the app, as well as the approximate time the problem was encountered.

Need support? We’re here to help 🧡

If you have any questions about Optimizer or would like to speak with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.