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Optimizer for Jira - July 2024

Release Date


Type of Update


We’re delighted to announce the July 2024 update to Optimizer for Jira Cloud has just been released.

New features 💎

  • Filter owners can now be changed via inline editing and bulk actions

  • New health checks:

    • Duplicate issue type schemes

    • Duplicate screen schemes

  • New health check customisation

    • Disabling health checks

    • Setting the severity

Improvements 🛠️

  • The permission column filters are now more intuitive and allow filtering by text or number of permissions

  • The Filters smart table now has an issue count column

Bug fixes 🐛

  • A bug where the secondary loading columns were sometimes cleared on window refocus or when loading another secondary column

  • A bug where errors occurred due to the user not having the global ‘browse users and groups’ permission

  • A bug where edit permission column filters were being applied to share permission columns

  • A bug where some secondary loading columns were showing ‘[object Object]’ when exported

Updating to the latest version: if you are currently on version 3.25.0 of Optimizer then you can update to the latest version through the Universal Plugin Manager. Otherwise, this update has been automatically applied to Optimizer for Jira, so no action is required from you.

Additional Information:

Future updates 🔮

  • Check out our product roadmap to see which features and improvements are coming to Optimizer soon

Customer Support 🧡

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