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Optimizer for Jira - 4.0.28

Release Date



Jira Server/DC 7.3.0 - 7.13.18 and Jira Server/DC 8.0.0 - 8.13.0


  • We have improved the processing of GraphQL queries

  • We have updated a number of UI internationalization dependencies to improve browser compatibility of Optimizer.

  • Index consistency health-checks are often triggered when there is a mismatch between the number of indexed projects and projects stored in the database. In this version of Optimizer, we introduced an option that allows users to disable this health-check.

  • When using the Switch User feature, we have introduced audit log messages to keep track of user impersonation by JIRA Administrators.


  • Optimizer for Jira (Server & Data Center) is now compatible with Jira 8.14.0

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