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Optimizer for Jira - 5.2.0

Release Date

July 2024

Version Compatibility

Jira Server/Data Center 8.20.0 - 9.17.0

Type of Update


Compatibility :Jira:

  • Compatible with the latest Jira version - Jira 9.17.0

New Features ✨

  • Added duplicate health checks ignore patterns setting

  • Added duplicate health checks fuzzy matching setting

  • Added duplicate emails health check ‘exclude inactive users’ setting

  • Added user creation in User Management

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fixed a CF Optimization bug where the global context wouldn’t always be localized correctly

  • Fixed quality-of-life issues with the Batch Delete tool

  • Fixed an issue with exporting the System Report to PDF

  • Fixed an issue with the usage report not reporting usage for certain tasks

  • Fixed an issue with the history report failing to collect data daily

  • Fixed an issue with CF merging failing to merge more than 100 field values

  • Performed security updates

Updating to the latest version: Open the Apps menu at the top of Jira and click Manage Apps in the dropdown menu. Find Optimizer for Jira in the list of apps displayed on this screen and then follow the prompts to update to the latest version.

Additional Information

Future Updates 🔮

  • Check out our product roadmap to see which features and improvements are coming to Optimizer for Jira soon.

Customer Support 🧡

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