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Official Version Workflows

Official Version workflows allow users to bundle multiple confluence document versions (published edits in Confluence) into a single ‘official version’, which can be a major or minor version (1.1 → 2.0 or 1.1 → 1.2).

Creating an Official Version

If you have added a workflow to your page with a Create Official Version node included you will need to transition it into the official version status, at which point you will see the following view:

Within this view, you can set a description for the official version you want to create, as well as select whether you want to create a major or minor version. If no official version exists for the page, selecting major version will result in version 1.0 being created and selecting minor version will result in version 0.1 being created. If an official version exists for the page, selecting major version will increment the leading number by one and reset the decimal to 0 (1.8 → 2.0), and selecting minor version will increment the decimal by one while leaving the leading number (1.8 → 1.9).

Next, you will be greeted with a confirmation screen, as the version description cannot be edited after creation:

Once you have confirmed the version description, the workflow will transition to the next status node executing all actions occurring between the official version node and the next logic node.

Approving an Official Version

After creation of the official version, it will be in a draft state. It will remain in this draft state until the version is approved using the Approve Official Version action, which will set it to a published state. Whether an official version is in draft or approved state can be seen in the workflow history page (see below).

While an official version is in a draft state, as many Confluence page edits as you want can be done (incrementing the Confluence page version each time) without affecting the official version value.

Viewing the current Official Version and its description

The current official version can be seen on the workflow history page along with the version description (by clicking on the button in the Official Version Description column).

Need support? We’re here to help 🧡

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about Workflows, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.

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