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Managing Approvals Across a Team

Ava is the Creative Director at the ACME Inc Marketing Agency. Their team has just won a new client who is looking to rebrand their entire company and Ava has been assigned as the project lead for this client.

This project will have a lot of moving parts and Ava needs a simple way to track the review and approval process of the key parts of this project. To help manage this, Ava and the team are using and have enlisted the help of the powerful approval app, Approvals for

Approvals makes it easy to transform into an intuitive yet powerful review and approval tool, and enables teams to easily track their work from start to finish.

Product features covered:

In this use case, we’ll explore the following Approvals for features:

  • Customizable approval statuses

  • Requesting approvals from individuals and teams

  • Configuring approvals to meet the needs of the project team

Use case

After installing the Approvals for app, the first thing Ava needs to do is configure the Approval statuses and add a new status column to the main board, which will allow the ACME Inc team to easily view the approval of all tasks and projects.

To start configuring the approval columns, Ava should open the Approvals app, navigate to the Settings (as shown below), and then set up the Approval Status Column and the Approvers Column (A).

These will be added to the monday board to the board.

Once Ava has selected the approval columns, they will automatically be included on her board. Ava can now customize the column titles and statuses (B) that will align with the app's approvals workflow.

[monday board with approval statuses]

Important: Please be aware that if you manually update the approval columns, this will not update the status within the approvals app within any item.

Now, Ava can monitor all the items on her board that are in approval and view who is involved in the process without leaving the platform.

Need support? We’re here to help 🧡

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us about Approvals for, please get in touch with our Customer Support team.

The first thing that Ava needs to do

Ava could look through her emails to review and approve tasks, but this process can be time-consuming, and she cannot fully monitor the project's progress within . By integrating approvals into her teams' board, she can add the approval columns that can help overview tasks sent for approval.

Once Ava has finished setting up her board, she adds approvals for to be added that she installed previously. She adds her approval columns by guiding to the apps setting, where she will add the approval status and the approver's column (A) to the board.

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